Episode 32: Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now (Part 2)

How does Social Media affect you? Does it take away your ability to empathize with others? Does it make you unhappy? What effect does it have on politics? How does it impact your soul?

All these questions and more are tackled in the humans’ second episode on Jaron Lanier’s Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now.

Standard Humans is hosted by Aidan Dennehy and Evan.


The Social Dilemma on Netflix

Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now by Jaron Lanier

The Science of Well-Being by Dr. Laurie Santos

The Filter Bubble by Eli Pariser - How companies create unique information realities for each of us

How to find out which political parties Facebook thinks you support

Lord Alfred Tennyson - Evan’s Top Ad Interest on Facebook

Google shows you results based on who you are: 1, 2,

Can We Auto-Correct Humanity? - Spoken Word Video about Social Media use

Look Up - Spoken Word Video about Social Media use

All the ways Facebook is making you miserable: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13

Millennials’ changing attitudes about sex

Russian trolls created the ‘Bernie Bros’

Russian trolls impersonated Black activists

Russian bots fuelled the Parkland Shooting conspiracies

Media bias fact check

Allsides.com bias and fact check

Fake News spreads 6x faster than the truth

Saudi Arabia makes a robot a citizen

The Nicomachean Ethics by Aristotle

History of Western Philosophy by Bertrand Russell


Dezinformatsiya in the US Election

How VPN’s can save you money

Tools you can use to avoid BUMMER

How to download your data from Facebook

How to Delete or Deactivate Facebook

Facebook Feed Eradicator

How to turn off YouTube autoplay

Brave Internet Browser

DuckDuckGo Search Engine